Emanuel was born in Ngusero Village in Arusha 23 years ago and has 2 younger siblings. He was born disabled, and due to his family's financial struggles they did not have the funds to buy him a wheelchair when he became mobile, but at the age of 5, Emanuel had his first wheelchair. Sadly, Emanuel grew out of the wheelchair as he got older and has been without any form of mobility aid for many years.
Due to the financial struggles and Emanuel's inability to get around, he has never been to school and Emanuel still lives at home with his parents. The family is extremely close, and his parents have approached many organisations looking for a wheelchair for their energetic son.
Due to the generous donations from the local government during the Uhuru Torch event, Shanga had one wheelchair remaining which we gladly donated to Emanuel.
Shanga has now donated its final wheelchair, however, that does not prevent our disabled community from knocking on our door and asking for assistance. It is heartbreaking to turn anyone away, and we emplore the generous public to please assist with any form of donation - new or pre-loved wheelchairs, any kind of walking aids, cash donations to put towards purchasing these much needed aids - we accept all with our heartfelt thanks.